And the world keeps spinning round

Monday, October 20, 2008

First post! (:

Oh gosh! I actually have a blog! Thought I will never go into blogging again but I have this sudden urge to start a blog. It's not a sudden irrational urge but I do have my reasons.

1) I thought it would be nice to record down stuff so you can actually look back at your own life when you're older. (God I sound like I'm 60 or something)

2) Keep my friends (thats you) updated about my life.

3) To have a place to rant and rant and rant... (:

After weighing out all the pros and cons, or rather con which is that it's tedious to keep a blog (What can I say? I'm a lazy boy.) , I decided to start one. Anyway, FYI, I did have a blog once but that was like eons ago and there were like 3 posts or something? haha. Let's see how long I'll last this time. I get the feeling that I'll get bored of it after like a month. I guess time will reveal a man's heart.

P.S. I'm trying to get a blogskin now but looking for one that dosen't look emoish, girly (why does 70% of blog skins fall under this category?), too colorful/dull/complicated etc etc proves a task too frustrating and time consuming for a guy who wants to play Team Fortress 2! Guess I'll stick with this skin for the moment.

Now playing: Lifehouse - Undone
via FoxyTunes


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